Thursday, July 27, 2006

How's This for a Theory?

After this past Patch Tuesday, there is an exploit circulating now taking advantage of a new vulnerability in Power Point.

There is a theory among Internet security experts that goes like this:

There is a criminal organization or "somebody" looking at Microsoft applications, finding flaws and sitting on them until after Patch Tuesday - then they release an exploit into cyberspace to catch people unaware.

Most of the exploits almost always involve a user interaction - which means you must open a file you received through email to activate the virus, worm, or other type of malware (malicious software).

The Takeaway: Do not open any new Power Point files sent to you. Even if it's from someone you know. Most people don't even know when they are forwarding malware.

. . . Stephanie


At Friday, July 28, 2006 12:06:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead use OpenOffice ( under. Works like a charm. :)

At Friday, July 28, 2006 9:26:00 AM, Blogger Stephanie Trahd said...

Thanks Pascal! I do use and recommend Open Source software (especially OpenOffice), but recognize that most of my readers use Microsoft. So, I also use Microsoft to stay current with my readers needs. I appreciate your input :)

At Friday, July 28, 2006 7:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure, sounds reasonable. :)

If however one does have the time and the ambition to try something new and possibly better, I highly recommend having a look at some of the many open source / free software applications out there.

It's a lot of fun, whether you're using it or developing it. And if one is comfortable enough with it running another operating system alongside Windows or Mac OS X, such as Novell's SUSE Enterprise Linux or something more community-spirited, like Ubuntu is great fun too.



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