Saturday, December 30, 2006

I Don't Wish You A Happy New Year

Don't worry, you'll be glad I'm not wishing you a Happy New Year.

Why? Because there's a new worm moving rapidly through the Internet and it's waiting for you to open it.

It comes in the form of a Happy New greeting. These worm-laden "Happy New Year" email messages come with Postcard.exe or attachments, and they're just waiting for you to click on them.

Once you release the worm, it will start emailing itself to people in your address book. Believe me, this is one phone call from Aunt Mary Lou you don't want to get.

The holidays are a busy time for spammers. They count on you being busy and looking forward to holiday greetings from loved one. Don't let your guard down. Most virus scanners don't catch these types of worms. It's up to you to be ever vigilant.

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