Saturday, August 05, 2006

AOL Is Free. . . Or Is It?

They’re singing from the rooftops . . . AOL is free! AOL is free! AOL will become a free service for broadband users who bring their own access.

How many different ways can I say to you “run as fast as you can AWAY from AOL”?

AOL, often referred to as ‘AOHell’, has lost well over half of their customers since their hayday of 40 million. Think about it. . . did over 20 million subscribers jump ship because of the great service they were getting from AOL?

(Sidebar: They are laying off 5,000 of their 19,000 employees during this company restructure)

Tell me why anyone would want to use AOL when they continue to. . .
  • not deliver legitimate email that you specifically asked to receive
  • require you to open dozens of windows just to perform a simple task
  • download adware and spyware onto your computer (just because it's theirs, doesn't make it OK)
  • make it virtually impossible to remove AOL from your computer without reformatting your entire hard drive
So the question remains. . .is AOL really free? The answer is a resounding NO! When you factor in the adware, spyware, undelivered emails, and time lost opening and closing 5 million windows, I think you’ll come to the same conclusion.

. . . Stephanie


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